Our Services

Titan can provide any or all of these services:

Oversee the architect, engineers, and other specialty consultants throughout the design and construction process. Not only will we be heavily involved in the design development phase, but we will coordinate all consultant activities throughout the construction of the project.

We manage the transitional phase where the architect, engineers, and specialty consultants work toward bringing the design from the schematic phase into the construction document phase. We facilitate the process and work with the consultants to crystallize the design concept and peer review the construction documents to confirm that the design can be built in the field.

The technique in which the value of a system’s outputs is optimized by crafting a mix of performance and costs. In most cases this practice identifies and removes unnecessary expenditures, thereby reducing the cost to the Client. We will work with the consultants and contractors to remove these unnecessary costs and only put the money in places where it should be spent.

We prepare a budget of all applicable hard costs, including allowances for any anticipated cost exposures. This construction budget is also integrated into a master project budget along with all other related development costs, including acquisition, design & engineering, legal, permits & fees, FF&E & OS&E, administrative, sales, and marketing costs.

We direct the preparation of a master construction schedule which incorporates all design development elements, construction activities, procurement, material lead times, submittal lead times, approvals, permits, inspections, tenant relations, logistics, sales, marketing, and turnover to the end-user. Once in construction, weekly meetings are typically held with the general contractor and subcontractors to review 3-week or 6-week look-ahead schedules.

The buyout of all necessary contractor trade work. Whether the plan is to use a general contractor, several prime contractors, many direct subcontractors, or any combination thereof, formal RFP’s will be issued and sent to qualified contractors for each trade to ensure sufficient coverage through competitive bidding. All bids will be thoroughly scoped and vetted and a comprehensive bid comparison will be presented to the Client prior to awarding any contract.

After an “apples-to-apples” bid comparison has been compiled for a particular trade, negotiations will commence to establish a complete scope of work that is cost effective. Our extensive experience in writing contracts safeguards the Client and reducing their liability.

The buyout of all necessary materials and equipment to complete the job successfully. Many times, in order to save costs, materials and equipment will be bought directly through a purchase order to the Client. For each group of materials/equipment, pricing will be obtained from different vendors to ensure sufficient coverage through competition.

As part of the master project budget, a complete cash flow analysis can be created to project costs on a month-to-month basis so that the Client has a clear and realistic schedule for anticipated expenditures and bank draws.

We make sure that each contract carries a complete scope of work to reduce the amount of change order requests, however, when they do arise, a thorough review and negotiation will take place to determine the validity of the request prior to approval. Our staff includes members with estimating experience at general contracting firms.

We attend weekly Owner Architect Contractor meetings, track construction progress, review quality control, coordinate consultants and provide input into construction issues as they arise.

We can provide staffing that can include a CM representative that is walking the job every day, from start to finish. This supervision is key to having a successful project that is built per plan and spec. It is also imperative to oversee the project superintendent and to manage the field labor so that manpower stays at a consistent and productive level.

We maintain a working history set of all project documents in the field, including drawings, specifications, requests for information (RFI’s), submittals, sketches (SK’s), and all relevant tracking logs. Every RFI response is posted onto the drawings to ensure not only proper quality control in the field, but also a complete set of as-built drawings that can be turned over to the Client at the end of the job.

We review and provide insight on all submittals, RFI’s, and SK’s. We do not act as an intermediary to simply push paper. We act as an intermediary to filter the documents to make sure everything is warranted and properly clarified.

We coordinate with all public agencies having jurisdiction to make sure that all proper and legal avenues are taken when obtaining permits and approvals. We will work closely with city plan checkers during the design process and city inspectors during the construction process.

We will work with contractors as they prepare and go through the many inspections required by the authorities having jurisdiction during the construction process to achieve final building certifications.

We review all general contractors, prime contractors, and/or subcontractors’ monthly applications for payment prior to recommending payment to Client. We work with the contractors in preparing their schedule of values during contract negotiations to maintain a proper breakdown and format that is consistent and comprehensive for the Client during billing.