
Alta Centrum

379 unit podium style, market rate apartments. Six stories, four stories type V over two stories type I parking level.


118 unit mixed use market rate apartment community, with retail commercial at street level.


150 unit garden style apartment community, with surface parking, designed for low income senior citizens.


108 unit garden style apartment community, with surface parking, designed, for low income senior citizens.


348 Market  rate  apartment over a podium,  five  levels  of  Type III-A over two levels of of Type 1-A; two levels of subterranean parking


161 podium style mixed use market rate student housing over street level commercial. Eight stories, five stories type V/ three levels type I

Yarrow Family YMCA

60,000 square foot YMCA, including fitness center, basketball gym, 8 lane swimming pool, group fitness studios and community rooms.